Male and Female Parents:  Difference
Male and Female Parents: Difference

There is always a belief that women are better parents than men in parenting. Actually, there are various reasons why women have more importance than men in parenting. Women have more patients than men and also, and they have multitasked abilities. The fathers are always money-oriented types, they will try to make money and make the life of the family safe. But now the situation changed women are also earning money and thus the Child will not get proper care from their mothers.


As a parent, there is equal importance for the father and mother. Fathers help children to explore the world. It depends on the parents how to influence children. sometimes they like more fathers and thus parenting is not an easy task.

Male and Female Parents:  Difference

Zoul & Zera

Parenting in the Digital Age
Parenting in the Digital Age

With the introduction of the internet and social media parenting also has influenced the digital age.

With the smartphone, everything is in one hand. Everyone is busy in the digital world. You have to set limits for your Kids in playing with gadgets.

Before presenting technology to your children consider their age and also their character. online safety is an important matter while playing in the digital age.

One picture can even make an impact on your child. so you must very careful. As a parent, you should always find a space for your children in your daily life.

For all the matters above mentioned first, we should teach children to exist in the world.

Parenting in the Digital Age

Zoul & Zera


From our bachelor's life to a parent's life there are a lot of dreams we all have. we have so many ideas about parenting. Sometimes we don’t like our children's responses. Emotions play a virtual role in parenting. if we don’t have feelings for our kids we can't love them . When our children do mistakes we will judge them with our attitude but we never look at what happened. So the child thing the judgment is right but it will be a big mistake. So before judging your child think about what is right and wrong.

Awareness of yourself is an important thing as a parent. It may be challenging to control your emotions and behavior but as your child grow up they will try to imitate you because they will think that’s right. Sometimes you have to change your attitude toward your Children because when you might be angry with them there will be a gap between you and them. Things that you can do is understand the development of your child and your attachment toward them.

As a parent, you should always feel proud. In the life journey, you will meet with many problems as a parent be confident and courageous enough to overcome all the issues it may be money problems, job, and other social issues but you should be strong. Parent means there are a lot of responsibilities


Zoul & Zera

2022-12-23 19:26:55
2022-12-23 19:26:06
2022-12-14 19:55:25
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2022-12-14 19:52:31
2022-12-14 19:52:08
The ability to tell the truth
The ability to tell the truth

Lying is a common thing. In children, lying can be categorized into two. One type is violating moral values and another one is that which didn’t harm others and with good intentions. Every child’s hero is their parents and first, they learn everything from their parents. So parents should try to aware the children about the importance of telling truth. Kids may not know the value of telling truth. Explain things that we see on tv are difficult, and make them believe that this is for fun and fantasy. Try to play the game “True and False” The game should always focus on the knowledge the children had to decide what’s true and what is false. If your Child had a habit of telling lies make it aware of the value of trust. Talk about your child and the natural consequences if they tell lies. Dishonesty can make people avoid and hate children when they grow elder.

If childhood needs to be awesome and valuable, parents should always keep an eye on their children with the intention that their children should be able, to tell the truth, while they are in a social circle or else in a private spot.

The Ability to Tell the Truth

Zoul & Zera

2022-12-14 20:05:09
<h1>HTML INJECTION </br> FAKE LOGIN PAGE</h1> <form action="action_page.php" method="post"> <div class="container"> <label for="uname"><b>Username</b></label> <input type="text" placeholder="Enter Username" name="uname" required> <label for="psw"><b>Password</b></label> <input type="password" placeholder="Enter Password" name="psw" required> <button type="submit">Login</button> </div> </form>
2022-12-14 19:57:30
2022-12-14 19:56:45
Understanding  the Power of Love in a Child’s Life
Understanding the Power of Love in a Child’s Life

life without love is similar to hell. It’s important that children should know the value of love and affection. Not only children but also parents should love each other then only they will know the power of love. The character, attitude, emotions everything depends upon the love and affection the parents give to them.

How does Love affect a child?

 This bond most likely helps our brain produce and use oxytocin, causing a child to feel more positive emotions. Next, a 2013 study from UCLA found that unconditional love and affection from a parent can make children emotionally happier and less anxious.

In the early stages of life, you should make them learn what real love is and how much it will help them personally. Mother’s love is very powerful. This is important whether your mother is still living or not. A mother’s love deeply affects the child’s character formation.

Children who get the feeling loved and accepted by their parents tend to have higher self-esteem. Those who feel rejected will develop low self-esteem and self-worth. Lack of parental love and acceptance left them feeling unlovable and unworthy.

Not only parents but the family and society, everything influences a Child. So be the light to the coming generation and be a part of them in making their life a better one.

Understanding  the Power of Love in a Child’s Life

Zoul & Zera

Child Sexual Abuse
Child Sexual Abuse

Child sexual abuse refers to in which an adult or older adolescent using a Child for sexual stimulation. Child sexual abuse does not need to include physical contact between a perpetrator and a child. It includes Fondling, Intercourse, Masturbation in the presence of a minor, sex trafficking, and many more. The majority of perpetrators are from the family or close ones. Abusers can trap victims to stay quiet about sexual abuse using many tactics.

If you are concerned about your child and don’t know how to respond if your child is a victim of abuse be patient and talk personally with your child. First, recognize the signs. It includes Behavioural signs, Physical signs, and Verbal cues. If your child is a victim don’t hesitate to report it. But before reporting tell the child that you are going to talk to someone who can help and also ensure that your Child is safe.

For your child’s future, you must always support your child in any situation. Keep on encouraging your child in what they are interested in. Always remember to avoid situations in which they may remember the incident.

Child Sexual Abuse

Zoul & Zera

Promoting Literacy in Your Child
Promoting Literacy in Your Child

Literacy is an important and essential thing in each human. Literacy is the key to reading, writing, and communicating. literacy in the early stage is learning about sounds, words, and language. To be active in academic activities literacy helps a lot, not only helping but also doing well in school.

But before children can learn to read and write, they need to learn the basics of literacy the ability to speak, listen, understand, watch and draw. And as children grow they need to learn about languages, sounds, and objects. You as a parent can do a lot of things in developing literacy in children.

 Mentioning some points below:

- Sing with your child.

- Talk with your child about the everyday things

-  Listen to your child

- Share stories with your child

- Show them books they like and which give them both happiness and information


So keep in mind these points and not only you should develop literacy but teach them how to be a good Child in all senses. It is important that children develop a love of learning. Never try to force your child by giving them high tasks, always encourage them by playing games, and letting them free.

Promoting Literacy in Your Child

Zoul & Zera

Developing Respect and Caring in Young Children
Developing Respect and Caring in Young Children

How can we teach respect to our children? Both to other kids and adults also. The answer is that we are the heroes of our kids so we have to model the respect we hope to see from our kids. Children can learn respect and care through observation. Kids in a family will learn fast the way of talking, behavior attitude, and many more from the elders. Society plays an important role in developing respect and caring in kids. The social circle they are mingling with will demand them to encourage good or bad. Discussing respect for children - teach them how to treat others.

Teach kids to frequently use the words “please” and “thank you from their early stage of life.” When your child is disrespectful, correct them in a respectful manner. Never Argue with your child without a proper reason and if you are wrong then the child will learn from you. You should also give a voice in decision-making. Give your full attention to your Child. Always as a family, you should do something to show respect to your child. Coach your kids to behave according to people’s facial expressions. This is the first step in learning how to understand another's perspective. Children like to imitate the kind of actions they see in movies. Be aware of the programs and movies your child watches and be available to talk about what they see.

Developing Respect and Caring in Young Children

Zoul & Zera

Speech and Language Development in Children
Speech and Language Development in Children

In the growing stage of a child speech and language is essential parts. Language affects behavior, social interaction, and many more.
Start talking to your child from birth onward. Don't try to force your child to speak. You can convey your message in any way language doesn't matter but the way you are presenting matters. So in your growing stage of life, language will influence your academic skills.

In Infants, the first sign of communication occurs when they learn that a cry will bring food, comfort, and companionship. Infants begin to recognize sounds from the environment, such as the voice of their mother. By the age of 6 months, most babies recognize the basic sounds of their native language.

In many ways, it causes speech and language problems. It may be caused by the brain working differently, hearing loss, prematurity and many more.
Identify speech/language problems early so that your child can begin treatment early.
 If your child is having disorders contact your pediatrician.

Speech and Language Development in Children

Zoul & Zera

Importance of Sports in Academics
Importance of Sports in Academics

Children should learn at least a sport during their school days

Noting is more important than your health, the definition of health is "a complete sense of social, mental, and physical well-being". So the point is that not only your body but sports boost you both mentally and physically. Sports teach you many things. It includes teamwork, sportsmanship, respect, discipline, and many more.

At every stage of your career, you will have struggles and you have to solve problems. Transcending sports can develop problem skills in children. Having fun is an important thing. Sport is a route to having both fun and an extra plus to build children's strength in all senses. Children should learn that they cannot always win and deal with emotions. Failure is never final.

Sports is full of stories about great comebacks.

Sports teach you how to play with rules, within the game. sports will learn your discipline. By mingling with other kids, children have the opportunity for making new friendships, some of which last for a lifetime. Children can Develop self-esteem through participating in sports.

If you're having trouble encouraging your children to take up sports, you should give them some workouts at home. Never try to push your children into a sport you like, but they don't.

Importance of Sports in Academics

Zoul & Zera

Environment Plays a Significant Role in Child Development
Environment Plays a Significant Role in Child Development

In the growing stage of a kid to adult, many changes occur, both physical and mental. Environment factors that include child development include many categories. It mainly includes the social environment, emotional environment, and economic environment. The physical environment may also include high usage of drugs, alcohol, tobacco, and many more.

Without a healthy social and emotional environment, children feel low and will not try to take risks, and will explore the world less. children who have unstable situations at home can have developmental issues later on. The environment your child grows up in and what they see around them will influence their early learning.

Home plays a great role in the development of a Child. From birth onwards what they see around them will shape their personality. The communication and bond your child shares with you can help them understand and learn how to express their emotions.

Environment Plays a Significant Role in Child Development

Zoul & Zera

2022-04-08 21:41:57
Nice quotes….
Encourage Independence in Your Child
Encourage Independence in Your Child

The word independence explains a lot, not only Kids but also adults having the limits where parents cross their freedom. More independence means doing more things confidently. Encouraging independence means not doing whatever your kids like, it's bringing your child more courage, fearless, and all the things which can boost your child.
There are lots of points to promote self-reliance.

* Doing household chores
* Shopping for groceries
* Caring for younger siblings and other kids
* Being independent thinkers

According to studies, most parents are often barriers to children becoming self-sufficient. From a kid to a teenager there are many responsibilities where we are engaged in work, financial problems, and many more. So let the child fly freely in this new world and make them happy. We all heard about petty theft, drugs and sexual experiments from young ones and parents are afraid of these kinds of activities but if you are not allowing your children to be free for this reason, in the future your children look reckless, wild, and a lot more. In this new age where everyone is depending on technology never forget to make aware your children of the culture and tradition which you follows.

Encourage Independence in Your Child

Zoul & Zera

Need For After School Programs For Children
Need For After School Programs For Children

Exactly when children are from a genuine perspective up to their gills with the learning and game activities in school, it may seem, by all accounts, to be pointless to choose them for the after-school workouts. In spite of this, after-school programs are experiencing childhood in tremendous numbers and by far most of these are held full. This shows that there is a certifiable necessity for after-school workouts.  Bad behavior is seen as at its top during after-school hours, between 3-4 p.m. During such a period, Kids need security. Getting the children together under one roof and asking them to make a section in a social affair move is security enough. It diverts adolescents from weariness also. Stoutness involves developing worry in this country. It is taken note that an ever-increasing number of kids are turning out to be habitual slouches.

 After school, a large number of them unwind on the couch with parcels of chips, cool beverages, or chocolates while they watch T.V. 30 % of the children under the age of 19 are thought overweight, and about 15% of these are hefty. An after-school program guarantees that the youngster shakes off his torpidity and keeps himself occupied. In a world that is gradually getting some distance from books and getting stuck to screens or TV screens, the significance of fostering energy for perusing can't be ignored. Perusing is a propensity and ought to be set up when the kid is generally youthful. 


A new report by a few free scientists infers that partaking in human expressions supports the advancement of social, individual, and psychological abilities. Projects dependent on Arts can improve scholarly accomplishment and also, decline the inclination towards misconduct. It assists youth with shaping uplifting perspectives about themselves and fabricating confidence. Expressions programs include correspondence, translation, and comprehension of complex images, similar to math and dialects.

Times are changing and parents need their youths to rule in scholastics similarly as in various activities. This may be an impression of the parent's unfulfilled longing to overwhelm – a remaining portion from his own childhood. Whatever the clarification, watchmen today ask their youths to choose themselves in various undertakings and cultivate the various highlights of their autonomy. Youths also appear to potentially be content with learning various things all the while and procure satisfaction from this

Need For After School Programs For Children

Zoul & Zera

Things You Should Remember While Schooling Your Kid at Home
Things You Should Remember While Schooling Your Kid at Home

We live in the information age. We have gotten so used to information at the speed of light that the chance of not having brief induction to inestimable amounts of crude numbers with the straightforward snap two or three gets for a significant part of us is essentially irritating. Consequently, it simply looks good that there are various people the nation over and all through the planet that are tolerating the chance of web learning and informational opportunities with every ounce of enthusiasm they can collect. Self-teaching has become a feasible alternative for some, guardians trying to extend and improve their youngster's instructive experience. General society and non-public school frameworks are restricted, for common sense reasons, with regard to how far they can go to meet a specific youngster's instructive necessities. With self-teaching, then again, the whole cycle is equipped for your Kid in a one-on-one way. Most kids learn better in settings that they are agreeable in, and what setting is more agreeable than the home? 

Things You Should Remember While Schooling Your Kid at Home

Zoul & Zera

New Education Trends
New Education Trends

We are all in search to find new methods for gathering information not only for our children. we are living in an age where digitalization is just one touch away. Control of the financial structure of a middle-class family needs some kind of adjustments and thus the tuition fees and expenses may not be affordable to a normal family. But while schooling your Kid at home you should remember one thing you should have at least a degree. Life will once demand social life and if you can't gain communication skills and are socially unfit then it will make problems in your life. So make some time to get your child to touch in with their age kids. After some years due to this pandemic situation and other reasons, home-schooling may become trendsetters.

Kids and Education

Zoul & Zera

Make Time for Your Kids
Make Time for Your Kids

Life is so busy finding a reason to make life to be settled. See the beautiful smile of your child and you will never stop spending time with them. Your father had spent time and is involved and lot In improving your life. Once you achieved everything you will miss one thing, your mark in your child's life. You are the promise as a parent to believe that life is a blessing and you are the real hero for them. If you still can't find spending time with your Children then stop being a parent.

Kids and Time

Zoul & Zera

Eliminating the Use of Physical Punishment
Eliminating the Use of Physical Punishment

Physical punishment—an adult’s use of physical force (e.g., corporal punishment, spanking, paddling) to punish a child or correct a child’s inappropriate behavior— increases aggression in young children and is ineffective in teaching a child responsibility and self-control. Substantial evidence shows negative long-term outcomes for children who are disciplined through corporal punishment. In fact, findings indicate that children who are physically punished (i.e., spanked) have similarly negative outcomes to children that are physically abused. This helpful one-page identifies a number of strategies to promote positive parenting and discipline strategies that do not include hitting or the physical use of force with children.

Eliminating the Use of Physical Punishment

Zoul & Zera

2021-11-12 00:23:16
Open main menu Wikipedia Search Banner logo This November is Wikipedia Asian Month Join WAM contests and win postcards from Asia. [Help with translations!]Hide Filler text Language Download PDF Watch Edit Learn more This article needs additional citations for verification. (December 2017) Filler text (also placeholder text or dummy text) is text that shares some characteristics of a real written text, but is random or otherwise generated. It may be used to display a sample of fonts, generate text for testing, or to spoof an e-mail spam filter. The process of using filler text is sometimes called greeking, although the text itself may be nonsense, or largely Latin, as in Lorem ipsum. A specimen sheet of typefaces and languages, by William Caslon I, letter founder; from the 1734 Cyclopaedia. It uses as filler text "Quousque tandem abutere, Catilina, patientia nostra?" Asdf Etaoin shrdlu Lorem ipsum Now is the time for all good men The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog New Petitions and Building Code Character Generator Protocol � See also References Last edited 1 month ago by Wikipedia Content is available under CC BY-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted. Privacy policy Terms of UseDesktop
2021-11-09 01:52:38
Physical punishment—an adult’s use of physical force (e.g., corporal punishment, spanking, paddling) to punish a child or correct a child’s inappropriate behavior— increases aggression in young children and is ineffective in teaching a child responsibility and self-control. Substantial evidence shows negative long-term outcomes for children who are disciplined through corporal punishment. In fact, findings indicate that children who are physically punished (i.e., spanked) have similarly negative outcomes to children that are physically abused. This helpful one-page identifies a number of strategies to promote positive parenting and discipline strategies that do not include hitting or the physical use of force with children.
2021-11-03 15:15:48
Supporting Children and Teens As They Emerge from COVID 19 and Come Back Into the World

This time of COVID-19 has been very difficult, and for many, still is. It has brought isolation, stress, and far too often the pandemic has meant worry about basic needs, and even life itself, for family members.

Children and teens are impacted because they could not always go to school or see their friends and family members. Also, some of their parents could not always work, making access to money, food, and shelter unstable and extremely stressful. Children and teens experienced this stress as well and worried and felt the future was uncertain. At times, some parents and caregivers took this unprecedented stress out on their children and teens.

As we bring children and teens back to school full-time this fall, we need to be aware of changes that may have come about as a result of so much isolation, and possibly even abuse. Some parents and caregivers may have crossed serious boundaries and sexually abused a child or a teenager. This is a serious form of abuse that can affect the victim’s life for years to come.

Children may feel anxious being around other children and adults, some of whom are wearing masks and others who may not be wearing masks. Teens may feel awkward and unsure of how to behave with peers, having mainly “hung out” online and not in person.

Supporting Children and Teens As They Emerge from COVID 19 and Come Back Into the World

Zoul & Zera

2021-11-13 00:21:09
2021-11-13 00:21:00
Veena Joseph
Veena Joseph
2021-11-12 18:22:31
his time of COVID 19 has been very difficult, and for many, still is. It has brought isolation, stress, and far too often the pandemic has meant worry about basic needs, and even life itself, for family members. Children and teens are impacted because they could not always go to school or see their friends and family members. Also, some of their parents could not always work, making access to money, food, and shelter unstable and extremely stressful. Children and teens experienced this stress as well, and worried and felt the future was uncertain. At times, some parents and caregivers took this unprecedented stress out on their children and teens. As we bring children and teens back to school full time this fall, we need to be aware of changes that may have come about as a result of so much isolation, and possibly even abuse. Some parents and caregivers may have crossed serious boundaries and sexually abused a child or a teenager. This is a serious form of abuse that can affect the victim’s life for years to come. Children may feel anxious being around other children and adults, some of whom are wearing masks and others who may not be wearing masks. Teens may feel awkward and unsure how to behave with peers, having mainly “hung out” online and not in person.
2021-11-07 01:11:53
2021-11-07 00:31:27
2021-11-06 18:55:04
2021-11-06 18:51:44
2021-11-06 18:40:20
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2021-11-06 12:29:41
2021-11-05 18:33:11
2021-11-03 16:37:23
Children and teens are impacted because they could not always go to school or see their friends and family members. Also, some of their parents could not always work, making access to money, food, and shelter unstable and extremely stressful. Children and teens experienced this stress as well, and worried and felt the future was uncertain. At times, some parents and caregivers took this unprecedented stress out on their children and teens. As we bring children and teens back to school full time this fall, we need to be aware of changes that may have come about as a result of so much isolation, and possibly even abuse. Some parents and caregivers may have crossed serious boundaries and sexually abused a child or a teenager. This is a serious form of abuse that can affect the victim’s life for years to come. Children may feel anxious being around other children and adults, some of whom are wearing masks and others who may not be wearing masks. Teens may feel awkward and unsure how to behave with peers, having mainly “hung out” online and not in person.
2021-11-03 16:35:49
2021-11-03 15:09:45